Handling SSCC
To handle SSCC, go to Logistics/List of SSCCs. Items are sorted by SSCC keys in SSCC list. There are also parent and child elements for corresponding list items, where it exists.
SSCC list provides information about serial shipment, date, recipient name, status, and hierarchy type.
The available functions of SSCC list are like other lists of identifiers in BarcodeManager:
Searching, filtering, sorting
Adding new transport unit (New button)
The New function can be also achieved by selecting New transport unit within menu Main identifier types/SSCC.
Edit a selected item (Edit button). In the edit page, which can be achieved by clicking on Edit or New, you can use the already known functions: Check, Save, Print, Copy, Status, and Export.
Mandatory fields (marked by *) are as follows:
Identification of a logistic unit (SSCC): Use Generate to create SSCC automatically or manually to a GS1 Company Prefix.
Initial Creation Date (It is automatically added by the system and cannot be updated.)
Last Change Date Time (It is automatically added by the system and cannot be updated.)
Is Trade Item A Variable Unit: It indicates that an article is not a fixed quantity, but variable (weight, length, volume). Rather continuous, not discrete quantities are used.
After clicking Print, select SSCC entity type on the Print new label page in the left section and then choose a template from the list in the middle section.
Delete (draft), copy, print (except draft) an item (Delete, Copy, Print buttons).
Modification of item status (Status button).
Handling transport unit hierarchy in case of status Finalized (Hierarchy button).
Import data from an Excel file (Import button).
Export selected item into Excel/Excel template (Export button).