Upload ID Key Database

Upload ID Key Database

BarcodeManager provides a user-friendly interface to transfer product data, used in NumGen (Számkiadó), into BarcodeManager database. StandardManager ensures an advanced environment to handle data.

To upload Számkiadó database, use Settings/Upload ID Key database.

Upload process


Once your user profile is set, you can perform the data upload process:

  1. Click on Settings then click on Upload ID Key database.

  2. Select the file to upload in the Upload the “Számkiadó database” window. The name of selected file appears in the text field.

  3. Click Save. Data upload begins, the status of process appears and at the end of process, the status changes from New to Successed. (Background Tasks process indicator is appearing during upload to indicate live time process. Upload process does not affect other activities in StandardManager.)

The extension of uploaded file should be XLS.

You can cancel the processing of a background task by clicking on Cancel button if it is necessary.

Background task

You can use Mass status change on page Background Tasks. Once the error fixings are ready, you can change more than one item statuses in same time. To do this, select List of errors in the row Mass status change, and then select the item GTIN in the window Mass status change details to update item data in item editor. You can export the wrong entities into an Excel file by clicking on Export of wrong entities. To see more about mass status change, click Details.

After the necessary error fixing, you can restart Mass status change process by clicking on Retry and after successful process, you get a background status Successed, the mass status change is ready.     

You can select the necessary items to start mass status change at every GS1 ID key page (GTIN, GLN, GDTI, GIAI, GSRN, CPID, and GMN) of StandardManager.   

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