Operations with Labels

Operations with Labels

To manage your labels, use Manage labels/List of labels submenu within Labels, reports menu.

You can perform the next operations in the List of labels page:

  • Printing settings: After you click on Print in the page, you can choose one from the four available options:

    • Consumer bar code/Label collection: If you select one of these options, the List of GTINs page appears. Here you can print a label related to a Finalized product.

    • Logistic label homogenous/Logistic label heterogenous [1]: If you select one of these options, SSCC list page appears. Here you can print a logistic label related to a Finalized product.

  • Label export: You can export your selected label - by clicking on Export - into the form of Excel or CSV.

  • Download: You can download label image by clicking on Download.

  • Details of label: If you select one label from the available list and click on Details, the related product edit page appears.

You can select more than one label from label list at same time. Hold down Ctrl key, select multiple rows with your mouse, and then perform the same actions on the selected labels.

  • Delete label: You can delete a selected label by clicking on Delete and accepting the appearing confirmation message.

List of labels

Details of Label Print

To use print function, click on Print (if this button is active) on the top of the identifier list in toolbar. Label print page appears to select the proper label form based on barcode type, barcode size and entity type. You can also use partner company label templates or you can define a new one by setting the available parameters.  

Preparing label to print

Once you select the proper label, click Choose the selected label to reach the Thumbnail image window. Here you start label print by clicking on Print. (You can set the label/barcode image file type and the optional label description.)    

Before printing, you have opportunity to preview and refresh the actual label image by clicking on Refresh preview.

You can prepare and set to print more than one labels at same time. Select more items (by Ctrl key + mouse button) with status Finalized in the GTIN list, then click Print.  The well-known Print new label window appears. Click Print, a Background task starts. Once background task ended, the result of Mass printing appears in Background Tasks window.  Check the task status from the column Background task status. You can see more about process by clicking on Details. To download and print labels, click Download (the downloaded labels are in ZIP file).

[1] Homogenous label: label related to a product which has only one type of GTIN number. Heterogenous label: label related to a product which has more types of GTIN number.

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