Create, Modify and Check Product Data

Create, Modify and Check Product Data

To add new product item, follow next steps:

  1. Click New, GTIN create page appears. First fill the data in Identifier creation window to generate GTIN identifier.

Identifier creation
  1. Then you can to add basic product data (e.g., dates, categories, descriptions, manufacaturer information, product parameters) in a simple form. If you need additional help to fill data, click  to access online help related to the selected product text field. Mandatory fields are as follows (marked by *):

    • Initial Creation Date (automatically added by the system and cannot be updated.)

    • Last Change Date Time (automatically added by the system and cannot be updated.)

    • GPC Category Code (Value of trade items (products, services) assigned to a simplified product classification system e.g., drinks, medicine.) There is exact definitions to GPC bricks to identify the selected items.

    • Is Trade Item a Consumer Unit? (Yes/No) (It identifies whether the trade item to be taken possession of, or to be consumed or used by an end user or both, as determined by the manufacturer.)

    • Is Trade Item a Variable Unit? (Yes/No): It indicates that an article is not a fixed quantity, but variable (weight, length, volume). Rather continuous, not discrete quantities are used.

When you click on a module name from left, the corresponding field group appears in the middle of the page.


To edit an existed product item, select your product from List of GTINs (by double click on a product record or click Edit). Product edit page appears in only one possible form. Here you can set all important parameters of your product: date times, product dimensions, product manufacturer, descriptions etc.

First, you have to decide: you want to add further details to product data (the default form) or you want to modify the existed product data (Data modification function).

Change data view in Edit page


Once you perform additonal operations on product data, use Supplementind data to save new added data or use Modification of data to change and save the already existed data. These functions are available from the right side of the edit page.

You can perform additional operations in edit page – if product status is not Finished:

  • Copy: Copy product data retaining data about target market (GTIN and data receiver are removed) or retaining all data (data receiver is removed only).

Copy function is available from the List of GTINs and from the GTIN list with LOT information as well.

  • Status and Check: Change product status. You can turn Finalize from Draft. (If you do not change status, product will be in Draft remaining.)

Once you select Finalize within Status menu, you get a confirmation message and if you choose Yes, overall product data checking is done by the BarcodeManager.  

At the end of checking, a detailed list of errors/warnings appears in the Checks window on the right side of the edit page. To finalize product set, every single listed error must be fixed by you (if Checks window is empty, you do not have to do anything else, your product data is fit to GS1 standards). After corrections are completed, errors will be disappeared from check list. 

The Errors section of Checks window provides essential information about errors and shows the exact place to fix them. 

After error fixing, use Check function again. When all data of your product are correct, select Status/Finalize to finalize your product. Status Finalized of your product appears in the List of GTINs.  (Status Finalized can be retrieved by the Status/Revoke function.)

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